• Open House

    Read A Thon Flyer


    Meet and Greet Flyer

    Fmaily Night Outdoor flyer

    Soccer Grades 3rd - 5th Sy24

    Click the link to sign up https://forms.gle/C1LR6mryYqDMoECeA

    Event Location:  TKE Gym, Rink, and Field (if available)
    Gear: PE type breathable clothing, gym appropriate shoes, water bottle

    Coaches: Romy Byrd & Kelsey Wakefield 
    Practice Days: Tuesday & Thursday
    Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm
    Begin Date: March 26th
    End Date: May 16th
    Fee: $30   Pay here:  https://www.schoolpay.com/link/soccersy24 

    ACTION NEEDED: Enter your student's practices into School Dismissal Manager www.schooldismissalmanager.com

    Students will get a chance to learn how fun soccer (futbol) really is!  Soccer is the world's most popular team sport that focuses on many locomotor and non-locomotor movements along with communication/team building skills.  Fundamentals that will be worked on include dribbling, passing, footwork, shooting, and game rules.  Student athletes will get a higher understanding of conditioning, team building, and competition.  At this time we will only be practicing and scrimmaging with TKE students.  There have been NO scrimmages or games scheduled with other schools.  We will have fun, challenging practices that will lead to a better understanding of soccer.   

    - Coach Romy & Kelsey 

    Spring testing Scheudle

    Souper Skate Flyer

    Game night flyer


    Spirit Week

    Holiday Concert SY24 Flyer

    Online Silent Auction Flyer

    Math Club Information

    family portrait night flyer

    Harvest Carnival Flyer

    2nd cup flyer



    Picture Day Flyer

    Bus driver Appreciation Flyer

    Title 1 Annual Meeting

    PTA Meeting Flyer Oct. 16th

    After School Tutoring 3rd/4th -

    Family Reading Night Flyer

    PTA Fall Ball Fundraiser Flyer



    Public Library Mentor Program

    School Picture Day Flyer

    Northern Cross Country Meet Flyer