1. What does concurrently enrolled mean?
A student who is enrolled in another school but takes one or two classes at Wasilla High School. Additionally, students who are enrolled full-time at a home school program or a school that does not have athletics but compete in athletics at Wasilla High School.
2. Can my concurrently enrolled student attend WHS dances?
Concurrently enrolled students can attend WHS dances, but must have a guest pass. Guest passes are requested by WHS students. Additionally, no freshman guests are allowed at WHS dances.
3. Can my concurrently enrolled student participate in WHS school festivities such as PowerPuff, PowerBuff and Grad Blast?
No. Concurrently enrolled students are not full-time students. These activities are reserved for WHS students.
4. Can my concurrently enrolled student be recognized and participate in WHS Senior Awards Night?
No. Concurrently enrolled students are not full-time students. Students should be recognized for their scholarships and awards at the school they are enrolled at as a full-time student.
5. Can my concurrently enrolled student walk at graduation with WHS?
Concurrently enrolled students can walk with WHS' graduation class if they had previously been enrolled as a full-time student for 6 semesters at WHS.
Concurrent student-athletes must sign in at the front office when entering the school during the school day for athletic events and assemblies.