Title I - Wasilla Middle

  • Title 1 Information for Parents


    Title I ("Title One"), a provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed in 1965, is a program created by the United States Department of Education to distribute funding to schools and school districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families. Title I also helps children from families that have migrated to the United States and youth from intervention programs who are neglected or at risk of abuse. The act appropriates money for educational purposes for five fiscal years with the opportunity for reauthorization.  In addition, Title I appropriates money to the education system for prevention of dropouts and the improvement of schools. The amount of money allocated each year may vary and schools develop a budget annually.

    Below you will find links relevant to parents of students at Wasilla Middle School. We at WMS consider parents an essential part in the educational process and hope your will take the time to become informed about your part in our Title 1 program.

MSBSD Title I Compliance Information