Title I - Big Lake

  • Big Lake Elementary is a Title I School.  Learn more about what that means and how you can get involved: 

    Report Card to the Public:

    Each year the State of Alaska releases a Report Card to the Public for each school in our State.  This report card aims to provide families with clear common information about all public schools and school districts in the State of Alaska. It contains information regarding academics, the school environment, and teacher quality to name just a few.  The attached letter to parents provides additional information about the State's Report Card to the Public as well as Big Lake Elementary's Report Card.  Families may also review Big Lake Elementary's Report Card to the Public at education.alaska.gov/reportcardtothepublic.  If you have any questions about this, please contact our school at (907) 892-9700.  


    We welcome input from parents and community members to help make our plan better. To view Big Lake Elementary Compliance documents please see below.

MSBSD Title I Compliance Information