Test Practice & Preparation
Free SAT Practice from College Board
Free SAT Practice from Khan Academy
Free ACT Practice from ACT.org
Sign up for ACT or SAT tutorials on APEX
Download flyer with sign-up instructions
Sign up through Clever (MSBSD Student Quick Links).
Click on "APEX" icon.
(If you have trouble logging in using Clever, email Mrs. Gimm (darjon.gimm@matsuk12.us) a screenshot including the Request ID. Example below.)
1. On the dashboard screen, click "Actions", then select "Add Enrollment". The enrollment dialog box opens.
2. Enter one enrollment code in the Enrollment Code Field.
ACT Code: T6966484223
SAT Code: T2564011086
3. Click the submit button. The dialog box refreshes.
4. Click the +/- icon to the left of a subject name to see the course.
5. Check the Select box to enroll in that course.
6. Click the Submit button. The dialog box closes and the selected courses can be accessd from the My Dashboard screen in APEX.