Grades and Evaluation of Student Achievement
The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for implementing a uniform system of measuring, recording, and reporting the achievements of individual students. Principals shall ensure that student grades conform to this system. The grading system will ensure that the student, teacher, and the parents can assess progress toward the educational goals of a particular course of study. The grading system shall be reviewed bi-annually, in consultation with professional staff members, parents, and students.
Students shall be informed in writing at the onset of any course of study of the behaviors and achievements that are expected of them. They shall be kept informed of their progress during the course of study.
Whenever it becomes evident to a teacher that a student is in danger of falling below average, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student’s parent/guardian or send the parent/guardian a written notice.
Teachers are encouraged to allow for trends in the quality of student work. When a student finishes a grading period doing high quality work which requires skills acquired throughout the grading period, low grades at the beginning of the grading period need not diminish the appropriate evaluation of the student’s achievement. Similarly, high grades at the beginning need not compensate for a downward trend in achievement.
A grade report to students and parents is required on a quarterly basis. These grade reports should go to the students within six working days after the end of the quarter. Final decision on any contested grade will be the responsibility of the principal.
Grading practices will be adopted on a district basis rather than a classroom or school basis.