    8th Grade Boys Coach - Kep Kroon
    7th Grade Boys Coach - Tom Berg
    C Team Boys Coach - Jason Pruett/Melinda Erickson
    6th grade Boys Coach  ( Starts Nov 20, 2023)- Jason Pruett
    8th Grade Girls Coach - Chandice Cronk
    7th Grade Girls Coach - Chandice Cronk 
    C Team Girls Coaches - TBA 
    6th grade Girls- Start Nov 20,2023
    2023 Season Starts
    September 21st
    TRYOUTS are 2 days Sept 21nd & 22nd
    7th & 8th grade boys will tryout from 2:30-4 both days.
    Make sure you have the following done in order to tryout and get on the floor:
    1. Register PlanetHS.com
               2. Have a current sports physical
                             3. Pay the school activity fee on SchoolPay
    No later than September 15, 2023
      6th Grade Boys & Girls - Starts November 20,2023
    Girls coach - TBA
    Boys coach -TBA 
    Practice times: 