Who we are and what we do: We are parents, teachers, school staff and community members who care about the students of Su Valley Junior/Senior High School (SVHS), grades 6-12. We are a nonprofit organization that receives support from individual and business community members, through grants, PTSA members, the Alaska State PTA and National PTA. We follow the National and Alaska PTA common objectives of purpose and strive to achieve our mission throughout the year.
* To advocate, support, and speak on behalf of students in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other agencies that make decisions affecting children;
* To foster a spirit of community among students, parents, teachers, and administration;
* To create safe and supportive opportunities for students, parents, and the greater community to be part of our school
2019-20 Goals: Increase our overall membership, provide opportunities for after school activities for a broad range of student interests, and receive increased school community input.
Membership is open to all. With membership, you will receive PTSA program updates, agendas, minutes, meeting reminders: time/location changes, as well as be able to vote and serve on event committees. Please note that membership does NOT require you to volunteer. Meeting attendance is encouraged yet not required. Volunteerism is welcomed at any time, but not required or expected.
2019-20 Meetings: SVHS PTSA membership meetings will take place on the second Monday of each month at SVHS library at 5:00pm.
Board 2019-2020:
President: Noelle Carbone
Vice President: Rebecca Korpi
Treasurer: Mia Mangione
Secretary: Linda Spotts
Communications: Hilary MacDonald
Member-At Large: Tiffany Davidson
Please approach any board member or email svptsa@gmail.com with questions, concerns, committee or fundraising ideas. If you have future interest serving on the board, elections are each April.