• Science Olympiad

    Welcome Guest to the website for Colony High School Science Olympiad.  Home of the 2019 2nd Place team.
    2021 rules are available.  See Mrs. Sanders in room 1044.
    Take a look at the events here.
    School Activities paperwork and the $40 activity fee can be turned in anytime! The fees include a t-shirt.
    Practices are after school each Tuesday and end at 3:30 pm.
    State Competition to be held in end of March 2021, beginning of April. Save the date and plan ahead accordingly!
    Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing male, female and minority interest in science, creating a technologically-literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers.  These goals are achieved by participating in Science Olympiad tournaments and non-competitive events, incorporating Science Olympiad into classroom curriculum and attending teacher training institutes.
    Science Olympiad Chat (real time chat forum- for academic use only)
Last Modified on January 14, 2021