• Welcome to the official Colony High School Key Club web page!

    Key Club Logo

    Key Club is a service organization designed to give students the chance to take part in projects that benefit the community while developing leadership skills. Our parent organization is the Palmer Kiwanis Club which supports our activities and provides opportunities to be involved in the betterment of our Valley.

    Meetings are in Mrs. Collison's Room 0005 afterschool Friday from 2:30-3:15 pm, and all students are welcome. You'll get service hours for the work you do, it looks great on college applications, and it makes you feel good as well. 



    Core Values

    Leadership » Leadership is grounded in humility and service to others. A true leader listens, recognizes, and empowers.

    Character building » Character is built by everyday acts of kindness, integrity and teamwork to grow stronger relationships and communities.

    Caring » Compassion for others is a cornerstone of the Key Club experience, inspiring action and service to one’s community.

    Inclusiveness » We welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving and making a positive difference in our world.



    I pledge, on my honor,
    to uphold the Objects of Key Club International;
    to build my home, school and community;
    to serve my nation and world;
    and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


    Objectives of Key Club International

    Key Club aims to cooperate with school principals and teachers to provide high school students with invaluable experience in living and working together and to prepare them for useful citizenship. Our members develop initiative and leadership skills by serving their schools and communities.

    In doing so, we hope to promote and accept the following ideals:

    • To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.

    • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

    • To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts.

    • To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.

    • To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities.

    • To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.




Degrees and Certifications:


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Last Modified on August 26, 2021