• Welcome to the 5th Grade Team Page!

    Mrs. Dressel    Mrs. Trotter   Mrs. Roberts

    U.S. History

    Homework Policy

      *** ALL assignments must be turned in—even if they are late. Promptness of assignments will affect Citizenship grades. Also, in order to participate in our field trips and end of the year celebrations, ALL assignments must be turned in.



    ·        Math – One worksheet per night due next day and practice math facts. (Mon - Thurs)

    ·        Spelling – One Spelling activity per week due on Thursdays for BONUS.

    ·      Reading – 20 minutes 5 nights per week and complete 2 AR tests per month.

    ·        Science – Science projects due in March

    ·        Assignments not completed in class

Last Modified on August 28, 2023