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          • Home of the Wolverines

            *Doors open at 9:10 AM every Monday.
            *Doors open at 8:10 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.
            *The school day ends each day at 3:00 PM.
            *Car drop-offs and pick-ups are around the rink at the side doors.
            *Please park in front of the school and walk your child(ren) into the school when the drop-off line is closed.



          Willow Announcements

          • Willow Elementary is a Title I funded school and receives federal funds to help support our students. Our Title 1 Plan is an evolving document which details Willow Elementary's plan to support students. A copy of our plan is available in the front office or you may access the plan online via the Programs link at the top of the page.

            This plan is updated frequently, and we encourage parents as partners to help guide us in how we can achieve success for all of our students. Please watch for more information on meeting dates and times as we'd love to have your support.

            As always, if you have questions at any time, please don't hesitate to call the school at 907.495.9300, or contact me directly via e-mail: brian.porcello@matsuk12.us.


            Thank you,

            Brian Porcello


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          WLE CONTACTS

          Willow Elementary Headlines

          • Title 1 Right To Know

            Attention Parents: Your Right to Know

            Each year districts and schools are required to provide information to parents as well as opportunities for them to be involved in the educational decisions that affect their children. Click on the bottom right image to read the full story and learn more about your right to know!

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