• Jacinda Danner's Page
                                         Tuesday, October 8, 2024                                              
    Name: Jacinda Danner, M.Ed.                                                
    Title: Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments      
              Orientation and Mobility Specialist
    Colony High School Office number: (907) 861-5574
    Contact me via E-Mail          
    Picture of Jacinda
    My name is Jacinda Danner. I am a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments and an Orientation and Mobility Specialist for the Mat-Su Borough School District. I teach children of all ages who have visual impairments, or are who are blind.
    Recently, I received a great honor: Braille Institute's Braille Teacher of the Year at Univeristy of California, Los Angeles.  
    I received my Bachelor's Degree from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, and my Master's Degree from the University of Northern Colorado in Greely, Colorado. As a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired, and Orientation and Mobility Specialist since 1991, I teach children of all ages in the Mat-Su Borough School District in Palmer, Alaska. 
    I stay active with activities for the visually impaired throughout the year. I was President of the Alaska AER, the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and a Co-Founder of Camp Abilities Alaska, a sports camp for youth with visual impairments. I received the BP Teacher of Excellence Award in 2006, and do presentations about topics in the field. I have worked with Camp Abilities and other programs for the visually impaired in Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, and New York. 
    2000-Present          Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI)
       Mat-Su Schools    Orientation and Mobility Specialist        
       Palmer, Alaska
    2011-Present       AVISION: Alaska Vision Impairment Services                          
       AVISION, LLC - Serving infants, adults with visual impairments statewide
                              - DVR and ILP
    1992-2000            Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI)
      Leon Co. Schools  Orientation and Mobility Specialist 
      Tallahassee, FL
    1992-1997            Summers: Certified Special Education Pre-School Teacher
    1991-1992           Certified  Special Education Pre-School Teacher
    Education, Certifications, Licenses 
     2000- Present           Alaska Teacher Certificates: 
                                       - Teacher of the Visually Impaired
                                       - Orientation and Mobility
                                       - Special Education
     2011- Present            AVISION, LLC  President,  Services for the Visually Impaired
     2007                         American Sign Language I  
     2005                          University of Northern Colorado
                 M.A. Degree   Teaching the Visually Impaired
     1991                          Florida State University
                B.S. Degree      Education- Visual Impairments
              Certification   Orientation and Mobility
    Activities and  Awards
     2017                        National Braille Teacher of the Year: Braille Institute 
     2001- 2015               Camp Abilities: Developmental Sports Camp
                                               for Youth with visual impairments
                                            - Co- Founder
                                            - Vision Specialist    
                                            - Tandem Biking Specialist
     2011- Present             AVISION, LLC            President
         2011                          Awarded Alaska Statewide Grant  2011-2012
                                          Serving infants-adults w/ visual impairments statewide
     2011                          Alaska  Infant Learning Program Committee Member                                              
         Publication:  "Visual Impairments: Service Delivery Guidelines: Intervention     guidance for service providers and families of young children
         Publication:  "Complex Medical Needs: Service Delivery Guidelines: Intervention Guidance for service provider and families of young children with complex medical needs"
     2003- 2014                    AER  Alaska, President
                                          The Association for the Education and Rehabilitation
                                                  of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
                                            - President
     2011,  2012                    Alaska Braille Challenge
                                            Organizer: Alaska Braille reading and writing competition
     2006                               BP Teacher of Excellence Award
     2002-2005                      ASSEC Alaska Statewide Special Education Conference
                                           -Board member
Last Modified on March 30, 2021